PSPA Board renews endorsement of New Voices
Via the Pennsylvania School Press Association website: New Voices is a nonpartisan, grassroots, student-driven effort to create state-based student free press protections and to prevent retaliation against advisers who stand up for student free press rights. As of...
New Voices featured in Main Line Today
The Pennsylvania branch of New Voices was recently featured by Main Line Today. Check out the story here!
Column: Freedom of the Press For All…Minus Students
By: Faith Morrow, Lancer Ledger Freedom of the press is a constitutional right...right? You’d think so, but as a student journalist I can tell you there are strings attached. Student newspapers' freedom of the press is restricted due to a Supreme Court ruling allowing...
Column: Thankful that PENNCREST School board candidates support basic press freedoms
By: Brennen McWright, The Panther Press Brennen McWright “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” This quote is from the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and it protects basic press freedoms in our country....
Pennsylvania delegation attends SPLC New Voices Institute
The Student Press Law Center (SPLC) dubbed 2019 "Year of the Student Journalist," and after three days in a tranquil suburb of our nation's capital with fellow advocates from around the country, the rationale for the credo has never been more clear for members of our...
Pennsylvania School Press Association endorses Senate Bill 806: The Free School Media Act
Yes, you read it correctly: WE HAVE A BILL that will protect the rights of student journalists + advisers in PA!
CNN: “Most states are failing student journalists like me”
Make sure to read student journalist Neha Madhira's recent column at CNN.com. "After all, education is all about teaching students how to use critical thinking skills. And journalism is about putting those skills into practice. When student media publications seek the...
New Logo
Thanks to Kaitlyn Chen of The Spoke (Conestoga High School) for designing a new logo for our site and campaign!
Student journalists celebrate Student Press Freedom Day with call for New Voices in Pa
Thanks to Claudia Huggins, Editor-in-Chief at FHS Press of Freedom High School in Freedom, PA for sharing this column.
New Voices Legislation will protect student journalists
Thanks to Kassie Boyd, Editor-in-Chief at the Panther Press in Saegertown, PA for sharing a column on New Voices.