Column: Thankful that PENNCREST School board candidates support basic press freedoms
By: Brennen McWright, The Panther Press Brennen McWright “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” This quote is from the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and it protects basic press freedoms in our country....Pennsylvania delegation attends SPLC New Voices Institute
The Student Press Law Center (SPLC) dubbed 2019 “Year of the Student Journalist,” and after three days in a tranquil suburb of our nation’s capital with fellow advocates from around the country, the rationale for the credo has never been more clear...Pennsylvania School Press Association endorses Senate Bill 806: The Free School Media Act
Yes, you read it correctly: WE HAVE A BILL that will protect the rights of student journalists + advisers in PA!